Basic Information

What is plywood?

Plywood is one of the most popular materials for construction and renovation due to its strong resistance to rupture, shrinkage, and twisting. Plywood is also widely used for partitions, interior decor, cabinets and flooring.

What makes Tjip Seng’s Carbonized Plywood different from thermally-treated plywoods on the market?

According to national standards, thermally-treated plywood requires plywood to be fully heated to 60°C for 30 minutes. However, 60°C cannot completely eliminate insect larvae/ eggs in the wood nor release formaldehyde from the adhesives. Tjip Seng’s Carbonized Plywood Series adopts a new type of carbonization method. Our products are treated at a high temperature (215°), which can completely remove all insect eggs, release formaldehyde, and improve durability.

What are the advantages of Tjip Seng’s Carbonized Plywood compared to conventional plywood products?

Using special adhesives, our products reach national standards for waterproof plywood. Carbonised at high temperatures, they completely eliminate insect eggs. The nutrients in the wood are decomposed into fibre crystals at high temperatures, which significantly improves the shortcomings of traditional plywood.

Tested in the laboratory, the formaldehyde release level of our products is close to zero (0.05mg/L ), which is expressed as Non Detected according to the National Standards. In addition, tested by the SGS laboratory, our series of products contains 52.2% carbon. The micropores on the carbonized surface can absorb formaldehyde and total volatile organic compounds (TVOC).

Obtained 8 patents in 5 countries (Taiwan, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia and China), with each specification complying with the CNS testing standards in Taiwan.

The raw materials of Tjip Seng Carbonized Plywood are all sourced from planted forests and regenerated forests, avoiding deforestation. The durability and longevity of carbonized plywood can reduce replacement frequency, which can save time and resources.

Can I apply veneer surfaces on carbonized plywood?

Yes, most surfaces including polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), melamine, abrasive resistant sheet, and natural wood veneer can all be applied on to our products. However, it is not recommended to use white oak, phoenix tree and other light-coloured natural veneers that are susceptible to mildew.


What is formaldehyde? What are the possible sources of formaldehyde in our living environment?

Formaldehyde is a strong-smelling, colourless gas released by building materials and many household products, such as lumber core plywood, plywood, LVL, wood flooring, furniture, etc.

Is formaldehyde harmful to your health?

Formaldehyde has been recognized as a carcinogen by many governments and organizations around the world, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. National Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan. Formaldehyde has been identified to cause various allergic reactions, irritating the human mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and throat. Long-term inhalation of formaldehyde can leads to a higher chance of nasopharyngeal cancer, hepatitis, pneumonia and kidney damage. Formaldehyde can do serious harm to infants and pregnant women; long-term inhalation of formaldehyde can affect the development of the fetus, causing underdevelopment of the heart and brain. In some serious cases, it can even lead to fetal malformation and miscarriage.

*Is the formaldehyde release level the same in all countries? Which standard do Tjip Seng’s products meet?

Different countries have different standards for formaldehyde release levels. For example, the Taiwanese F3 level is equivalent to the European E1 level (see the table below). All of our carbonized products have passed SGS testing. The formaldehyde release level of our products is much lower than the Taiwanese F1 standard (refer to the test report). Our products have also passed the US EPA-NAF exemptions, and received an NAF (No Added Formaldehyde) certificate.

How do I deal with the formaldehyde in the paint and superglue in the carpentry work after using Tjip Seng's carbonized plywood?

The main added ingredient in paint and adhesives is not formaldehyde but toluene, a highly volatile substance that will completely dissipate within 10 to 30 days. However, the formaldehyde of plywood adhesives can take years to dissipate. Therefore, choosing building materials with low formaldehyde release levels is the best approach to effectively reduce formaldehyde in your living environment.

What should I pay attention to when decorating in order to achieve a safe and non-toxic environment?

After construction is done, the pungent chemical odor is always lingering. Pay attention to these four key points to reduce the impact of formaldehyde to your health:
Consider ventilation during the design phase
Choose Tjip Seng’s Wholly Carbonised Plywood series of products to remove formaldehyde from the source
Choose non-toxic furniture when purchasing furniture
Pay attention to indoor air convection and ventilation when moving in


What are the common pests in building materials?

There are three main types of common decoration woodworms 1. Longhorn beetle larvae (Cerambycidae) 2. Bark beetle larvae (Scolytinae) 3. termites (Isoptera)
1. Longhorn beetle larvae
Longhorn beetle larvae are the least common of the three major woodworms and they go through four stages in their life: egg, larva, pupa and adult. The adult insects lay their eggs in trees and because of their long growth cycle, they often enter the home through solid wood materials used to make home furniture.

2.Bark beetle larvae
Also known locally as the powder worm. As the name implies, when they gnaw on wood, they leave a pile of powder formed by feces on the surface. Similar to the Longhorn beetle, the adult insects lay their eggs in wood and often enter homes along with building materials. Because of the strong survival and adaptability of its larvae, it can survive high temperatures and even after chemical agents are applied. Therefore, wood-boring Bark beetle larvae are the most common woodworms that occur during renovation.

Termites cause the most damage among the three major woodworms. Because of the humid climate in Taiwan, every time when the rainy season comes, they will engage in nuptial flight. If they are attracted by the lights in the house and the house is humid and there is a lot of wood to chew on, there is a high chance that they will settle in the house. In addition, termites may enter the house through electrical pipes and cracks in the walls, so it can be said that they are pervasive.

Can Tjip Seng’s carbonized plywood prevent onslaught by insects?

Tjip Seng’s deep carbonized plywood are treated at a high temperature of over 200°C to completely remove the insect eggs from the wood. Although this can eliminate the threat of native longhorn beetle larvae and bark beetles, there is still a possibility of attacks due to external factors. Therefore, it is recommended to choose Tjip Seng Carbonized Series products for whole house renovation to avoid pest infection that may be brought by other building materials.

What do I do when I spot termites?

Even plywood materials that have passed national standard pest control treatment on the market can only reduce the damage caused by termites, but cannot prevent them from moving in. Therefore, it is recommended that homeowners find a professional pest control company to carry out the overall control operation as soon as possible. To avoid the return of termites, homeowners are advised to eliminate sources of moisture and maintain a dry, ventilated and bright environment.

Why is there no pest control chemical agent added to Tjip Seng’s Carbonized Series products?

Our philosophy has always been to give our customers the healthiest products possible, so no chemicals have been added to our products. However, in order to meet the needs of our customers and to provide more options for you to choose from, Tjip Seng is working hard to develop a series of pest control products, please follow us to keep track of thelatest developments.

Are low-formaldehyde plywood products less insect-proof?

It is a common misconception that formaldehyde has a pest control effect and that products with less formaldehyde are less effective against woodworms. However, according to an experimental report by the Chinese Wood Construction Buildings Association commissioned by the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior in 2015, under the same environment and test duration, using termites as the pest test, both the F1 and F3 formaldehyde plywood panels did not meet the national standard. Therefore, there is no direct correlation between the level of formaldehyde and the effect of termite prevention.


What is the effect of excessive humidity on building materials?

Excessive humidity may cause plywoods to swell, deform, Excessive humidity may cause plywood to swell, deform, and delaminate. Tjip Seng’s Carbonized Series has passed SGS tests and the expansion rate of our product is less than 2%, which is better than the regulatory standard.

What to take note of when using carbonized plywood?

Because of the large number of pores in the carbonized series of products, if it rains continuously during the construction, plywood will absorb a lot of moisture in the air and cause temporary discoloration, which will evaporate after a day or two of sunny weather. Therefore, we suggest that if it rains for a prolonged period of time, keep the room ventilated to avoid the occurrence of excessive water absorption, which can also greatly avoid the phenomenon of mold. After the project is fully finished and your living space is air-conditioned, discoloration of our products is not likely to re-occur.